2017-11-20 2514































































































◆ STT版权工具: 《行为分析法》






























Speedy Training The Corporate Trainers (Enhanced Version)

Course Teacher: Xi Wong

Course Duration: three days

Course Description:

Training of Trainers, STT is the best choice! !

STT course is the result of a market breakthrough, optimizing our extensive R & D authoritative teachers and numerous domestic and foreign brands of similar courses team teaching situation TTT / PTT and other training courses and excellent coaches, force development organizations and traditional TTT and improvements to enhance the framework to improve the final result! !

Road to SR, problem-solving orientation is more important than to spend more energy. STT is a powerful tool to improve the effectiveness of training, the easiest, but the most effective! ! Three-day training course, our experts will share the results of years of research and practice! Here, you will be able to:

1, more accurately identify the actual needs of corporate training

2, overturn training design ideas quickly and effectively the core issues in the training

3, rapid success as an effective courseware comb!

STT courses have a wealth of opportunity to practice live, instructor to explain and comment on the wisdom, challenging brainstorming! Courses have been verified many well-known companies, long-term customer satisfaction remains above 95%, the vast majority of companies are 100% satisfied! ! STT will let you continue to break barriers within three days of self-transformation, to become a good coach, and is responsible for the final training effect!

Participants and companies involved in the project, said:

1, STT TTT more practical than traditional courses

2, the course content is closely related to their business, to solve their business problems

3, returned to the company can be immediately applied to real work, in accordance with the standards developed by the STT courses directly solve business problems and improve employee performance, participants, and the company won the leadership of praise! !

Course Outline:

The first day:

Standard Typhoon of a lecturer:immediately from the platform to the helpless law-abiding

◇ Break through the traditional thinking: trainer can be trained by two hours!

◇ STT professional video appreciation: the best trainers have what qualities?

◇ How to recover from platform fear tensions immediately ?

◇ How to quickly upgrade trainers affinity and sense of authority?

◇ How to use the easiest way to ensure dignified , generous and authority ?

◇ The amazing experience:Corporate Training division sets mold quickly copy!

◇ STT copyright tools: "Five trainer training methods"

Curriculum planning and design:help employees improve performance

◇ training purposes II: shorten the time of employees achieve competency standards

◇ STT Professional Case Study: comparison with the world's top 500 state-owned large group training efficiency

◇ Job task model is better than the competency model

◇ Job classification tasks: quantifiable and non-quantifiable task task

◇ with KPI (key performance indicators) oriented training content planning, protection of employees reached KPI!

◇ Help employees achieve KPI is to help employees up bonus, raise wages and accelerate job promotion

◇ The key tool of achieve KPI's through training: "STT value stream decomposition technique"

Training topics:from the shotgun to the attack, improve the accuracy of training topics

◇ training purposes: problem-oriented and solve actual business needs

◇ STT Professional Case

- Case one: enterprise exactly what problems exist?

- Case II: why careful screening of customer service training has no effect?

◇ combat Seminar: Corporate real training needs survey

◇ How to make the training more accurate findings, more targeted?

◇ how to simplify complex issues, so that it can be a quick fix?

◇ How to make OJT training done in the post faster, more effective?

◇ Walkthrough: STT problem using conversion technology training needs quadratic optimization

◇ STT copyright tools: "The problem Conversion Technology"

Courses on-site control and interaction:Ensure the effectiveness of training to reach 100%

◇ scene lively atmosphere, accidents handled well is effective to control  courses on-site ?

◇ Common errors  of the trainer: Target deviation pointless

◇ Trainer need to be responsible for the results of the training site!

◇ How to deal with,when the student distracted in class?

◇ two core technologies to achieve real courses on-site control

- STT Keywords pedagogy

- Four key elements leading professional courses on-site control

◇ Training effect scene PK: the difference between professional and amateur courses on-site control !

Advanced presentation: persuasive and deductive from dull to vivid immediately

◇ Misunderstanding of influence training effectiveness

◇ STT professional video viewing:Flat Iron Steak

◇ How to tell a fascinating story?

◇ How to strengthen the ability to interact course?

◇ How to improve the level of a simple story, leading to a profound truth?

◇ The superior efficacy of sensitivity training to Improve curriculum interactive

◇ Field exercises: detonated talent of persuasive and deductive, from dull to vivid

◇ STT copyright tools: "Five principles of good persuasive and deductive."

Curriculum development:make the leadership, departments and employees willing to cooperate

◇ Corporate Training weirdness: Training say one thing and do another job

◇ Case thinking: is "compiled director" into the ditch drowned corporate trainer

◇ why leaders do not support? Why not tie department? Why employees do not support?

◇ How to application positivist ideology on  Enterprise development training

◇ STT professional video viewing:

- Pepsi employee training standards Tutorial

- 2008 Beijing Olympic Training Video

◇ STT Sales Training Consulting Project examples: easy access to the full support of high, medium and grassroots!

◇ STT applied to the common training content development

- How to solve the problem of lack of business knowledge workers?

- How to solve the shortage of staff skills, unskilled problem?

- How to solve the staff attitude is not correct, positive attitude is not the problem?

◇ STT copyright tools: "behavioral analysis"

Curriculum development standards:know how to optimize training

◇ "know what is good training" is the prerequisite for better training

◇ Discussion: the quality of training on-site research, judgment and prediction

◇ how to quickly find the training dull, blunt reason invalid reason?

◇ how to optimize the training content, so that students understand more easily digested?

◇ increase student participation by the game, the more do the worse, but a waste of time, how to do?

◇ how to make training more pragmatic, effective and faster?

◇ STT copyright tools: "three-line evaluation map"

Separate curriculum development and teaching courses:the rapid development of standardized courseware copyright and teaching processes

◇ Three basic information of  training courses developed: trainees, training objectives, training content

◇ How to choose the right training objects, avoid wasting resources training

◇ General training objectives  Analysis: How to set training goals correct?

◇ How to design and test tools that match the training objectives

◇ Training Curriculum Development FAQ:

- Part-time trainers are busy, curriculum development takes up too much time how to do?

- Other teachers can not speak the good lesson, how to do?

- Temporary training assignments, there is no time to do courseware, but also guarantee results, how to do?

◇ How internal training courseware copyright management

◇ STT standardized courseware and teaching the basic structure of the process

◇ STT copyright tools: "course four-step molding technology"

Courseware Design - Commercial Copyright level design training courseware PPT

◇ STT Professional Case Appreciation: PPT courseware international show

◇ Analysis the subject, object , and easily choose the main colors of PPT

◇ use color ring based color matching, to make your PPT more beautiful

◇ PPT layout design and selection

◇ STT copyright tools: Three steps to quickly create business class courseware PPT's copyright

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